Social Media Influencers Searches For Gold Digger But Instead They Found Gold

source: youtube
Vlogging are known to be popular and famous to many Filipinos as they are really into fun and creative ideas on how to prank their friends and even some family members. As we Filipinos are known to be happy people, it is no wonder that this vlog are indeed one of our pass time and leisure.

One of this video social experiments really touched the heart of many netizens as the video features “gold digger women” that tend to like or favor men because of their luxury car and material possessions but as they try to find such women they end up finding a woman that is very hard to find.

The viral video already earned 4.4 million views. At the beginning of the said video, they had found a target doing her exercise in the park. After finding their target, a man with an expensive car approached her and befriended her. She was very friendly and accommodating to the man who asked her to teach him what she is doing. After some time, there comes another man who is riding a bicycle. He approached them and had returned the bike of the first man, as he was the real owner of the expensive car that the first man was driving at first. It all happened that the first man who approached the lady was owning a bicycle and he only washed the expensive car of the second man and had lend him his bike. But as the second man convinced the lady to come with him, ride on the car and had some fun, the lady explained that she liked the first man more than him even if he only has a bicycle and not an expensive four-wheel drive.

Though the social test does not go the way they assumed it to be. It has been a lesson to many young men and women that not everyone looks on the material things. Though some prefer to be practical by choosing someone who is rich or do have some money, it was also amazing to know that some people still looks on the inside than count on the material things.
Social Media Influencers Searches For Gold Digger But Instead They Found Gold Social Media Influencers Searches For Gold Digger But Instead They Found Gold Reviewed by Boom on 12:15 AM Rating: 5

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